Ludman Frequently Asked Questions FAQ Slider



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

We are commonly asked these FAQ questions. To save you time, we've already answered them for you.

Many FAQ questions we often hear, for example, is what is the difference between a roll compactor, briquetter, roll crusher or flaker. See below for more information on each machine.

What is a Ludman Roll Compactor?

A roller style press which combines torque – via roll drive system – and thrust – via cylinders in a stressed frame – to agglomerate fines into sheets of product. Moreover, the process of agglomeration is a chemical process where grains of material are pressed into larger pieces. The reduction in surface area signifies the mechanism of work being done. This is, for instance, why coarser feed is desirable. Larger particles have less surface area, meaning less work per unit volume.

What is a Ludman Briquetter?

Likewise, a pocketed roller style press, which combines torque – via roll drive system – and thrust – via cylinders in a stressed frame, agglomerates fines into briquettes.

What is a Ludman Flake Breaker?

On the other hand, two counter rotating toothed rotors driven by chain and sprockets powered by two HD rated drives. Both sheering and crushing occurs during the process of passing through our flake breaker.  This is the first step to high yield product sizing.

What is a Ludman Granulator?

These machines are high accuracy, high yield sizing mills. Moreover, our granulators are modular units, utilizing two counter rotating hammer forged rolls to sheer the product to size. These rolls cut specifically custom for every application certainly achieve the tightest PSD possible.  Our trade marked “Allis-cut” rolls, in other words, produce tightly-sized products, due to sheering the product vs. impacting the product.  However, sizing applications are volumetric, and as a solution, Ludman implements two-, three- and four-high mills to complement our single-high product.

What is a Ludman Flaking Mill?

Our flaking mills utilize two counter rotating hammer forged rolls, so as to flake product at high rates of speed.

What is a Ludman Shredding Mill?

Our shredding mills, similarly to flaking mills, compare to our granulators, but utilize a smooth, and patterned roll to produce a sheet of material.

What other questions do you have?

Ludman Industries is here to answer your questions. Contact us today:

P: + 1 (414) 431-3500

E:  sales@ludman.net


4810 N 124th Street

Milwaukee, WI 53225-3601 USA

P +1 (414) 431-3500

F +1 (414) 431-1850
