Precise high yield sizing mills
Ludman Industries builds precision-grade flaking and shredding mills, using Allis-cut hammer-forged rolls to flake product at high-speed rates. However, our shredding mill rolls are smooth and patterned to achieve desired custom PSD. Within the machine, a set of two smooth-finished rolls drive in counter-rotating directions, exerting force on compressible feed material, resulting in flattened flakes with the greatest possible particle surface. Material passes through the rolls, achieving uniform thickness and weight. After flaking or shredding, product is immediately available for further processing.

Modern Heavy-Duty Design
Ludman offers a modern line of heavy-duty flaking mills designed to ensure maximum efficiency with minimum maintenance based upon the proven Allis-Chalmers design. Ludman realizes that the modern-day mill application incorporates high bearing loads and feed capacity. That is why Ludman has remained true to tradition by offering a heavy-duty machine.
Specializing in food-grade applications
Although Ludman Mills process many applications, we specialize in food-grade applications, specifically cereals. Our milling machines have over 175 years of experience in flour milling, originating in 1847 under the name of Reliance Works, and later, under Allis-Chalmers Food Division. Our time-tested, reliable design combines with high-efficiency performance.

Benefits of choosing Ludman
Ludman Flaking or Shredding Mills are made of heavy-duty, sturdy construction materials. These machines provide high flaking pressure demanded for various applications. We machine roll journals to fit heavy-duty bearings, assuring proper roll alignment. Mills can also be supplied with new solid-state controls that can maintain flake thickness within 1 thousand (0.001) inches for precise product demands.